Was there any doubt that Noah was going to need glasses? Nearly every person in his family wears them. We had the appointment on Saturday morning, and picked up the glasses yesterday. And it wasn't any surprise that choosing the glasses was a monumental job. He's a picky one! They had to be blue, and he wanted "square" lenses rather than round. He's not too happy but I think he'll feel better after his first morning of kindergarten with the glasses. We tried to think of clever thinks to say if anyone teases him today. Noah is hoping that a bunch of kids show up for class with glasses, just like he did.
In other news (for those of you I haven't spoken to), Griffin was in the hospital last week for 2.5 days. He had a nasty head-to-toe rash, a fever, and was just not himself. Poor kid ... they couldn't get an IV into either of his arms and blew out one of his veins, so he spent the whole time with an IV in his foot. He also had an echocardiogram to see if his heart was OK. The doctors initially thought he might have something called Kawasaki's disease (which is treatable) and wanted to determine whether his heart was enlarged. Some of his blood tests showed acute inflammation, causing the suspicion of Kawasaki's. But it was ruled out ... so were the measles and Fifth's Disease. Basically, we have no idea what was wrong. It could have been viral ... bacterial ... a medication reaction to the antibiotic he had on Monday ... a reaction to his flu shot ... or something we haven't even thought of yet. In any event, he is good now and back to his normal busy little self. And I have to add that pull-out beds in hospital rooms are NOT designed with the 7.5 month pregnant in mind. :-)
Hopefully we will have some cute Halloween pictures after tomorrow. Noah has his in-class party (with costumes) and then tomorrow night is trick-or-treating. Happy Halloween!