Other than that, we are gearing up for school. Noah and I did his school supply shopping over the weekend. He is quite excited, although he's concerned that the 1st grade room is smaller than the kindergarten room and therefore not as good.
I've been putting finishing touches on the powerpoint document for the online scrapbooking class I'm teaching at Scrapafaire. This time I'm teaching a class on design. Here's a peek at one of the layouts I'll be using to illustrate the concepts.

In other news, we are 95% sure that Bob will be teaching his first ever university class this fall. You'd think we'd be 100% sure, since the class starts next week. We'll know for sure by then. Ha! Anyway, he had a chance to teach last year, but it fell through at the last minute. He's hopeful that this time it will happen. The class is about information technology. Bob has always wanted to teach, and he's good with people, so I think this is going to be a great experience for him.