Or it could be the fact that between Thanksgiving - the last post - and today, we have managed to squeeze in the following:
- Noah's birthday
- Quinn's birthday
- my birthday
- Grandpa N.'s 90 birthday party (and a trip to SoDak)
- Christmas
- a visit from Grandma Ruth
- a visit from Ray and Laura
- a trade show trip (by me) to California, followed by a trip to SoDak to pick up G & Q (thanks again, June and Mom!)
- finishing my first term of teaching, and starting my second term (2 classes this time)
- Bob teaching a new class this semester on one night each week
- Noah's school program and a visit from Mark, June, Turner, Grandpa, Grandma, & Jackie
- New Years
- our 10th anniversary
Hmmm. I'm pretty sure I've missed some stuff, but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. :-) Anyway, I'm hoping that life is about to settle down a bit. We are falling into a routine: school, a little teaching, a little playing, and a little sleeping. Very little.
The kids are growing like weeds. Griffin and Quinn stayed in SoDak while I was at CHA Winter from Feb. 9 to Feb. 13. Noah and Bob held down the home front. They apparently watched all 3 Lord of the Rings movies. I wonder if they consumed anything besides popcorn while I was gone. Griffin came home referring to himself as "Oreo Boy Lessinger." Wonder what he ate in SoDak? :-)
Oh - I forgot one thing in my long list. We went to the Cities to see a life-size McQueen at a car show. Griffin was in HEAVEN. Absolute heaven! Here is a layout I have posted in the garden at 2peas about the event.

A few other photos and highlights:
My G. Funny, funny kid. He eats "frosted snowflakes" for breakfast, and is seriously my very own mini-me. I've never met a kid that made me laugh the way he does. And now he'll grin at me and say, "I so funny, Mommy."

Noah had his turn to be student of the week at school. Part of the deal is to bring in photos that you want to share with the class. Noah wanted me to take new pictures, so we spent a good hour getting "just the right shot." He had really specific ideas of what he wanted. "Now get a close one of my ship, Mom. Now take one of me holding the ship. Wait. I need to move this way a little." You get the point. In the end, he was happy and had a great week.

Last but not least, Miss Quinn is now a walker. She still has the cute little bowl-legged baby thing going on, but she's improving quickly. This shot is from Grandpa's 90th. Her little tights were black by the time the party ended, because if she wanted to move fast she'd drop and crawl. :-)