Wednesday, June 17, 2009

carrots ... mmmmmmmm.

The twins have started some solid foods.

Today's menu: carrots, pureed by mom. (I got a food processor, and I'm in love with chopping stuff up).

I think he likes them. And Dad better watch out or he's going to lose a finger.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

eggs + bacon = happy

as you can plainly see. :-)

And cows make this girl happy.

Along the same lines as the bacon and eggs, I started eating bacon again. It is just too difficult to get the kids to eat meat if Mom doesn't. So after 10 years, I had bacon again. Mmmm. Bacon. How I have missed thee. I shall make up for lost time. :-)

Friday, June 05, 2009

if you don't look at my photography blog

you most likely missed this cutie.

jackson, my nephew.

and laura - this one is for you ... a snapshot of holden in baby legs. hee hee! think of this as my revenge for being awoken repeatedly at night. bwahahaha!

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Here's your sign.

But a nice one. This is going on the cards (with gift cards for gas) for G's preschool teachers.

To quote Miss Quinn, "He's so cute."

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Buy one, get one.

I amuse me. :-)

The twins are 5 months - wow. Holden is 12 lb, 8 oz, and Maddox "the skinny one" Lessinger is 12 lb, 4 oz. He's a smidge longer too, but the length thing is pretty subjective in my opinion.

I like the way they are doing the same thing with their mouths in this one.

Holden has a bit of eczema. We treat it with a cream, as needed. He scratches it, though, and leaves little red marks. He scratches everywhere. I think it is a comfort thing more than an itch thing.

In other news, G is done with preschool for the year. He had a preschool program last Friday. And Noah finishes 2nd grade today. For those of you "in the know" about this stuff, one of his lexile scores was 910. The kid has vocab - ha. Noah had Reader's Theater (a play) last Friday, and his class did an in-room play for all the 2nd grade parents yesterday. The twins and I were able to attend and it was pretty cool. They did the Jungle Book. The teacher (who is absolutely incredible and will be missed) read the story, and the kids acted out the scenes. Noah was a monkey. :-)

Our swingset is still standing (see last post) but not usable. The guys are going to fix it soon - hopefully this weekend.

That's about it in Lessinger land. Quinn is sitting on my lap singing "Frere Jaque" (quite loudly) as I type this. I'm on my first cup of coffee. And so summer begins. :-)