Well, I'm back now. Summer is winding down. School starts soon, and just in case we were feeling like we had too much spare time, we decided we better get a few of the kids in some activities.
So. Quinners is now enrolled in dance/gymnastics. I can't believe I'm going to be a dance mom. She does love to shake it, though. We went to Bob's cousin's wedding dance, and Miss Quinn danced so much and so hard that she got blisters all over her little feet. Even that didn't slow her down!
And this guy is now in karate. Tonight was the first class. He is going to love it, I think. He got to do blocks, and kick, and use that long stick (whatever it is called ... I'm not up to speed on this stuff yet) ... very cool. I'm excited for him.

The twins are growing. And scootching. And (knock on wood) maybe starting to sleep a bit more. This whole mobility thing is going to keep me busy though!
That's about it. And just so I don't post with a single lonely photo, here's Quinn after she and her little playmate decided to "garden". Nice. How can a child so girly be such a little tomboy?

I'd type more, but Holden keeps pushing buttons. Night, all!