It looks like our plans to go to SoDak for Turner's birthday and Taryn's baptism might be hijacked by the STUPID.SWINE.FLU. Ugh. I have the flu, and apparently the main strain that is going around right now is the swine flu because it is too early for the normal kind of flu.
So that means that the family picture plans ... not going to happen. The fun party on Friday night? Gonna miss it. Catching up with family and friends? Nope, not us. I have to be symptom free for 24 hours, and no one else can come down with symptoms. Since it is 3:44 pm on Thursday and I'm still spiking a fever of 101 or better, I think it is safe to say Friday is out.
Instead, I'll share a photo of my awesome kids. Seriously - they were so cooperative when I asked for this picture! We had about 10 minutes before the mosquitos swarmed, and I'm pretty happy with it. :-)