I have come to the realization that I stink at sending photos to family members. I have the best intentions. And I have NO shortage of photos of the kids. But the actual follow through of sending the .jpg or snail mail photo is seriously lacking. So I thought I'd try something new: blogging. You can check in here and (hopefully) see what we are all up to over here in the frozen tundra of MN. Well, it's not so frozen right now of course, but school has started and it can't be long now.

So here we go. Picture #1: I finally cut the G-monster's hair, a day after he turned 18 months old. And I screwed up when telling the girl what I wanted, so snip snip snip - there went the curls. He looks older but the hair cut did not improve his listening skills. :-)

Picture #2: Noah is now a kindergartener! We had discovery day today, which is basically an hour of going to the school with your mom and putting away all your school supplies. He also got to decorate his craft apron.

It was fun, and he is psyched for tomorrow when school REALLY starts. Mom will be there to see him off, camera in hand. :-)
The rest of the week will go fast. Noah starts school tomorrow. My classes start on Thursday (I'm only taking two this semester, because labor and finals do not mix well). I'll be gone at the Mall of America Scrapfest show this weekend, working at the Autumn Leaves booth. It will be fun to see Leslie and Tracy and everyone. Here are a couple of the layouts I did to hang in the booth. My weekend will be busy ... Bob's will be even busier. Hee hee!

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