Halloween was C*O*L*D. The plan was to take both boys to a couple of houses, then Bob and G would stay home to pass out candy and Noah and I would finish trick-or-treating.
Good plan.
Unfortunately, Robin screamed bloody murder when big brother and mama tried to walk out the door without him. So along he came, bundled to the max. His costume didn't fit over his coat (Batman's costume actually looked better over all the layers ... go figure!). Robin really wasn't into all the trick-or-treating. We didn't even bring his pumpkin, because Noah already filled one pumpkin at the kindgergarten party. Talk about candy overload! Anyway, both little guys had fun. And carrying my extra 50 pounds of baby-weight plus my 30 pounds of Griffin-weight proved to be quite warming. I can't move my neck today, but I was warm last night. :-)
No good pictures of both kids together ... and only semi-decent pictures of each alone ... but you get the idea. Note that Robin is trying to eat candy with the wrapper still on. Funny kid. Batman has a weird expression. I think he was trying not to smile because "Batman doesn't smile." Ha!
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