I have officially crossed a line somewhere ... who would have believed that I would buy tights for my baby girl? But she needed them. And if I could have found the right size, she would have also been the proud owner of little black mary janes. Too bad I couldn't get them in her size. :-)
This is Quinn, on Christmas Eve, after mass. She is fascinated by our Christmas tree - probably because I have 10 or so strings of lights on it. She was lying next to the tree, quietly watching, when paparazzi mommy got the camera out.
The attempt to get a photo of all 3 of them earlier in the night was not so successful. Griffin is impossible to photograph. He looked so cute in his little jacket, too ... Noah, on the other hand, is more than willing to hold Quinn and pose. Gotta love that!

We let the boys open one present tonight ... new Cars jammies. They both liked the gift, which is pretty amazing since it is clothing. Again, not much success in getting a photo of G where you can SEE his jammies, but here are a couple of him playing with his beloved Cars. The best is when Griffin says "a-cow" and "cha-chigga" (noises that McQueen and Chick make in the movie). We also learned that the Cars book from Dave & Connie is NOT a good thing to take to church, because of said noisemaking.

Merry Christmas!
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