I took some pictures of the kiddos on Friday. This one is my favorite - look how Quinn is touching G, that look on G's face, the way Noah is overseeing everything. You can see their personalities, each and every one!

And this is Quinn at 4 months. I might be biased, but I think she may be the most beautiful little girl EVER. :-)
A local photographer was doing free sittings for photo shoots for moms on Friday and Saturday this week. I had stuck a flyer in my diaper bag but forgot about it, so when I called on Thursday there weren't any spots. But luck was on my side - she called on Friday morning about 10:30 and said she had a cancellation for that afternoon at 2:00. So I scrambled around the house to find something remotely matching for me and the 3 kids to wear, got myself ready, got them ready, and raced out the door. The funniest part? We ended up running to JCPenney (the photo shoot was set up in a temporary location at the mall) and buying white shirts for me, Noah, and G. Quinn wore her little white/lemon Easter dress. I get to see the proofs next week. It was chaotic but a little fun, and I hope there are some good pictures. :-)
Have a happy mother's day weekend!
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