As I type this, Quinn is licking the legs of the table and the boys are playing some sort of yelling/running/action figure game that involves lots of growling. We have also taught G to speak like a pirate. It is too funny.
Last week was busy. The kids and I went to stay with Mark and June at the lake for a few days. We had a blast. Mark and June are awesome hosts and I love hanging out with them. G literally did not wear a pair of shoes from Thursday until Saturday. Now that is a good trip. I took a ton of pictures but I need to look through them and pick some good ones to post. Maybe in the next day or so.
Then on Saturday it was Rock-fest in our town. Griffin LOVED the parade. He was a candy-seeking machine. Noah had fun too, especially when the Pepsi people gave him an entire 12-pack of pop. It was Africa-hot and humid but definitely worth it. We also stayed up late to watch fireworks (well, late for the kids - ha!). It is always a good show. The neighbor kids and our kids had glow sticks and ran around the backyards in the dark like little crazy people.
I am in scrapbooking crunch time right now. I am doing page samples for an upcoming trade show, and I am about half done. Here's a layout that went up at 2peas today ... I designed the paper in the background in one of my digital kits. I made the flowers for another kit - both kits can be found here and here.

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