Miss Quinn decided to fold her brother's glasses for him over the Easter holiday. And if you are Miss Quinn, folding means snapping the bow off.
Luckily, G just had an eye doctor appointment and was due for new lenses. We picked out the frames last week, and he got his new glasses on Thursday.
I think he looks adorable. The frames are a little funky. I actually wanted to get him some little Drew Carey black frames, but I figured those would last about 6.7 seconds before they were demolished.

And here is Miss Quinn, in her latest sweater knitted by Mommy. She's not the most willing photo subject, but it is totally worth it. ;-)

Noah has been so busy with school and friends that I don't really have any new pictures of him. Here is one from the Saturday before Easter - he's very intent about art stuff.
Have a great week!
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