But we didn't get around to carving pumpkins until last night. Here's how it all went down.
Quinn was interested at first ...

but quickly grew bored with the process and took off to the playhouse.

She also grew tired of paparazzi daddy with the camera and closed up shop for the day.

Griffin tried to clean his pumpkin. His had really thick sides. And when you scoop one seed at a time, it is a bit of a process.

Then G decorated with little pegs (rather than cutting). He LOVED it. I'd poke the peg through the pumpkin, then he'd hammer it in. And every time, he'd say "tap tap tap" as he hammered.

This was the first year that Noah really cleaned his own pumpkin - with minimal complaining, too!

His facial expressions gave him away, dontcha think?

This was also Noah's first year of carving all by himself. First he drew his design.

Then he used a small pumpkin carving knife to cut it out.

He was so meticulous about the process - like my Bean usually is.
Last up: Bob and G carved what was supposed to be Quinn's pumpkin.

And here is the final product: 3 Lessinger jack-o-lanterns, just in time for Halloween.