Sunday, October 12, 2008

Working on my studio schtuff ...

And that means I have been dragging my victims ... I mean children ... into the garage for lots of photos during the last 2 days.

Here's one of Miss Quinn and a possible Christmas card type pose.

And the G man (poor kid was happily playing in the backyard, and I bribed his dirty little self to let me test my lights). He's easy to bribe - one pack of smarties and we are set for decent number of photos. :-)

And my big boy. He's a cutie - when I can get him to smile and not give me his impression of Bucky Beaver (totally intentional on his part, by the way).

Here's an example of a technically inferior but still darn cute photo:

And just for fun:

1 comment:

cheryl said...

I like the Christmas light idea!