Let's see ... G is 2. He celebrated with a big Cars birthday cake and lots of presents and playing. Bob and Noah also found the motherload of Cars at ToysRus on his birthday, so they came home with about 10 or so of the beloved diecast characters. Heaven for my little guy (and his big brother!)

Noah had his first school program. He was a bee. The kindergarteners and first graders did their program together. Noah was one of the two kindergarteners to have a speaking part. He did GREAT! We have it on DVD if anyone wants a copy - just let me know and we'll burn it and send it. Noah also lost his other front tooth. He wasn't happy. He blames Daddy for making "hard toast." We tried to explain the tooth was ready to fall out and the toast didn't have anything to do with it, but he doesn't believe us.

Quinn got baptized with Jackson last weekend. She looked so pretty in her gown and bracelet. She wore the same gown I did (and Jackie, for that matter). Jackson looked all dapper in his little vest and pants, too. What a pair! The baptism was after mass in Groton, and was total chaos. Either Quinn or Jackson or Griffin was crying just about the entire time, and Jackson and Quinn both managed to spit up during the service. Poor Father David was about ready to run and hide, I think.

And then there is me ... and my pretty pink cast. I fell over a laundry basket. 34 is too old for your first broken bone, I think. Actually, it might not be broken. The x-ray wasn't conclusive, but the area I damaged is hard to heal so they casted me to immobilize it. It sucks. Poor Quinn has a rock for a pillow when I hold her. I get it cut off and re-x-rayed next week on Monday - yay!
Bob is busy at work and busy working at home on the laundry room/bathroom. He's planning to hang a door tonight so the bathroom will be functional for guests. Can't wait!
1 comment:
could g look any more like you? your mini me for sure. sweet kiddos jen.
pretty pink cast...be careful friend!
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