is getting closer to being completed. It is now painted. And what a saga that was! Marcy came to help me, but our plans were totally thrown out of whack by problem after problem. First, the old wallpaper border was a HUGE pain to get off. I have no idea what the issue was, since we put it up the "right" way because we knew it would eventually come down. Next, the orange paint took forever to dry. We painted the first coat on Saturday and finished around 6 pm. We figured we could recoat around 10 pm. Um, no. At 10 pm it was still tacky. And at 9 am on Sunday it was still tacky. I was about ready to panic. Thankfully, the paint eventually dried. The paint department at Home Depot told me that orange and red take longer to dry because of the colorant. That would have been a handy little tidbit of information to have before I started this project and decided to paint 3 walls orange, and red/orange/yellow/brown squares on the other wall. :-) Then there was the issue of getting the orange to cover evenly. I painted those 3 walls at least 3 times with orange. It was a project. But I think the end result was worth it - I LOVE the grid. I am now on the prowl for the changing table or dresser, whichever I can find that I like. And I still need to make the curtains. But it's coming along.

When I'm not painting (HA!) I've discovered a new love. I knit socks. Yes, socks. The sad thing is that I'm off season ... can't wear socks when it is so nice outside! The kids and I have been spending a lot of time out in the fresh air. Griffin can't bear to be inside ... he stands and the patio door, pounding and yelling "I go swing! I go swing!" until someone takes pity on him.
One more picture. I bought a "new" swing for Quinn off ebay. So the old swing is in the toy room, waiting to be moved into the basement. Last week, I was in the living room with Quinn and the boys were playing in the toy room. Noah came and said, "Mom. Come here. You have to see this." And he was right. I rounded the corner of my scrapbook island and saw my little goof. Talk about your kodak moments, eh? :-) I'm pretty sure he exceeds the weight limit, but since it isn't far to crash I figure I'll let him have his fun.

the room looks awesome Jen! I LOVe the colors :)
LOVE quinn's room jen! wow!
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