Saturday, August 30, 2008

Griffin get his picture taken.

G and I ran errands today, and I asked him if he'd let me take his picture. We learned a few things. Like, when taking pictures downtown next to a cool looking door, make sure it isn't actually a door to a open business. G kept trying to open the door, and since it was locked, I let him and snapped away. Turns out, this was a bar door (so it was locked from the outside). The smoker that came out of it was quite amused at the 3-yr-old and his mama taking pictures. He definitely made us jump when he opened the door!

Isn't he cute? I can't believe how much he's grown up lately.

Monday, August 25, 2008


'nuff said.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Another lazy weekend in MN

The kids played ... we hung out ... watched some fireworks ... ate some sweet corn.

It was a good weekend.

Here's Noah, letting me practice some photo stuff. Handsome, isn't he?

Here's G, after playing in the dirt with Alyssa for a bit. The photo is fuzzy because he was a little blur racing past me yelling, "I have to go potty!"

And here's Quinners. She took lots of pictures. And now she "takes a picture" then examines the back of the camera, just like Mommy.

Can you believe school starts in a week? Summer flew by!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday, part 2

If you are one of the 4 people on the planet who does NOT know what the twins are yet ... and you don't want to know ... stop reading.

For the 4 of you that haven't heard yet, start buying blue. Lots of blue. Yes, according to the tech, both babies are boys. That means Quinn and I are going to be outnumbered severely. Lucky for her she already rules the world, eh?

Here's a little pink to accompany the news about the blue. :-)

This is sort of like heaven to Griffin

We were coming home the other night, and I asked if he'd let me take his picture.

He agreed, especially when I pulled over and parked by the RR tracks.

Seriously. He was so excited. It was too cute.

He asked if we can go back. Umm, ok. Go somewhere so Mommy can take more pictures? No problem, G-man! (But next time we'll work on that newly developed habit of pulling/twisting on your shorts, 'kay?)

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Sometimes you just have to eat PB&J while wearing a tutu.

Remember the tutu I made Miss Quinn? She likes it. And likes wearing it. Very cute (although not so good for the tutu!)

She decided it accented her jammies quite nicely today. Then Daddy decided to give her a PB&J for lunch. Actually, it was a PB on toast, since we only had strawberry jelly and she's allergic to strawberries.

This was the result.

And just for fun, check out this boy. Can his eyes be any bluer?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

My boy is getting to be such a little man.

I wanted to try some new stuff with my camera tonight, and asked Noah if he'd be willing to help me. He was all for it. We drove all over, and stopped to take pictures wherever it looked like we might get a cool shot. Noah had as many ideas as I did, although most of his involved "silly poses."

Here's a few photos from our adventure.