Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bob doesn't think they look exactly alike.

Me ... I'm not so convinced. What do you think? :-)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Noah's super cool shirt

I'm still having a ton of fun with the fabric paint. But now I've sucked the kids into my craftiness. Noah drew a tank (such a boy) ...

I converted it to a stencil, and this is the result. How stinking cool is that?! He loves it, I love it, Bob loves it (and wants me to make a t-shirt for him!)

Then I drew a robot for G. Unfortunately, G wanted a car, so he wasn't as thrilled as I was with the shirt. It is SO apt, though. G and Quinn will run around the house chanting, "I am a robot" in monotone voices. No other point to the game ... just the chanting. He claims he doesn't do that, but hello - I'm subjected to it on a regular basis. I KNOW. :-)

I'm going to make him a car shirt asap, as soon as I pick up a cheapy tee in town. And I've got some extra onesies that I'm going to stencil and put in my etsy store. If you have a request, send it my way!!

Now I'm off to finish my prep for my classes. I am teaching 2 classes this quarter - yikes. Say a little prayer for me that things go well, because I feel stressed. Later!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Car + Gas Pump

The babies are getting bigger - who'd a thunk it? I still need to take their 6 month photos (even though they are closing in on 7 months - doh!) but here are a few snaps from tonight. My new crafty-type obsession is painting t-shirts. Even more fun than appliquing t-shirts!

I'll save more details about the 6 month milestones for when I have pictures to share - but let's just say they are mobile. Not full-on crawling, but definitely not staying where I put them.

We'll start with Max. Holden was napping. Maddox will soon learn that if you don't sleep, you get to model for mommy.

He doesn't seem to mind.

Then Holden decided he didn't want to be left out.

One last shot - the two of them together, spilling out of my little beanbag. You can see Holden's shirt in this one - he's the car, and Max is the gas pump. Cute, right? :-)

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Does this look like the face of evil?


It might if you happen to be her big brother. She clocked him in the head with a train today because she wanted Gordon AND Thomas. G was playing with both, and was nice enough to give her Gordon. Only that didn't appease Quinzilla, so she grabbed another train and smacked him in the head. Poor kid.

To top it off, you might notice that G isn't wearing his glasses. That's because he was playing with the babies, and one of them grabbed his specs and the bow snapped off. Sigh.

What a day. And it isn't even noon yet. And I haven't mentioned the pee pool in the bathroom that I already cleaned. Yeah. :-P

Monday, July 06, 2009

Busy busy busy

Isn't that how life is lately?

Here's what we've been up to:

1. Went to SoDak for a 60th surprise birthday party.
2. Left G and Quinn in SoDak for a visit after the party, and to give mom a break!!
3. Retrieved G and Quinn, and spent a few days camping with Mark & June.
4. Celebrated the 4th of July with a parade and pool party.
5. Cut bangs in my hair (I got annoyed one day and whacked them off).
6. Made a tag blanket, knit/sewed a shirt for Quinn, a "skirt" for my island, and probably some other stuff that I'm forgetting.
7. Went to Ikea to purchase a desk for Noah (for the toy room), and then repurposed the old desk as a laundry folding station in the laundry room.
8. Bought and assembled Quinn's "big girl bed" - her room is done, and I LOVE it.
9. Spent quality time in the backyard watching the kids play with the inflatable water slide.
10. Hmm. That's about it, I think. Add in the normal eating, diapering, feeding, and preventing-emergency-room-trips that is normal life in Lessinger land, and I guess we've been busy.

I didn't get many photos on the 4th - not so good at juggling kids and the camera. But I got this one the other day on the patio as we enjoyed the beautiful weather. I'm going to get some good ones of the twins soon, since they just hit 6 months. But until then, here is Max + Dad. Such cuties!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Knitting again ...

and finally taking some photos!

I've been on a manic crafting kick. I guess it is my reaction to busy life - when I get a little "me" time, I make stuff.

I only have one project photographed because I've been too busy "making" to take pictures. But I think it might be worth it. You be the judge. :-)

Oh wait - I made the necklace, too. We have matching ones. So that's 2 projects. Much better!

And if you know Quinn, you know this look. Well.