Monday, September 25, 2006

Noah likes brownie batter.

Can you tell? We made brownies last weekend for the block party. And just like Mom, he thinks the best part is licking the batter bowl. He didn't even mind when I took pictures ... as you can tell by the posing. :-)

The block party was a lot of fun. The weather was horrid - rainy and chilly - but it was definitely fun to hang out with the neighbors. We were commenting on how we all live so close yet can go weeks or months without really seeing each other, especially as the weather gets colder.

Noah, Griffin and I might run to town today in search of the perfect Halloween costume. Noah has it all planned out, and that means we better get busy looking before all the *cool* costumes are gone.

Friday, September 15, 2006

A few layouts ...

The Garden layouts went up last night at I thought I'd share them here, too, in case you don't get a chance to see them online over there. I know I've posted some of the pictures here already, but they are so cute you probably wanted to see them twice, right? :-)

I'm excited about Marcy's spa day tomorrow. For those of you that don't know, we girls are going to Fargo tomorrow for an all day spa thing for Marcy's bachelorette party. It is going to be fun and relaxing and best of all, we can just hang out. Totally different than last weekend, when I worked at the Scrapfest at the Mall of America. That was fun too, but a lot of work. Apparently, talking for 8 hours a day teaching people to do make & takes (little scrapbook projects) will cause even ME to lose my voice a bit. :-)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Me & G

I've been able to be home in the mornings lately, so Griffin and I send Noah off to school and then spend a little one-on-one time together. This morning, while I was folding laundry, I put Rent on for him to watch. He crawled up on the couch, covered himself with a pillow, popped the thumb in his mouth, and sat quietly for at least 10 minutes. I love that movie. :-) Then he got down and unfolded all the laundry I'd folded. Oh well.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Just a couple of quick things ...

Noah LOVES school. Here's some quick pics of him getting off the bus after the first morning (today).

And in other big news, he rode his bike in the backyard last night with no training wheels. I did a layout about it so you can see the pics. Yay, Noah! Such a big deal. I had the layout ready to show him this morning when he got up to eat, and he totally relived it again this morning. So proud of him. :-)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Testing ... testing ... testing

I have come to the realization that I stink at sending photos to family members. I have the best intentions. And I have NO shortage of photos of the kids. But the actual follow through of sending the .jpg or snail mail photo is seriously lacking. So I thought I'd try something new: blogging. You can check in here and (hopefully) see what we are all up to over here in the frozen tundra of MN. Well, it's not so frozen right now of course, but school has started and it can't be long now.

So here we go. Picture #1: I finally cut the G-monster's hair, a day after he turned 18 months old. And I screwed up when telling the girl what I wanted, so snip snip snip - there went the curls. He looks older but the hair cut did not improve his listening skills. :-)

Picture #2: Noah is now a kindergartener! We had discovery day today, which is basically an hour of going to the school with your mom and putting away all your school supplies. He also got to decorate his craft apron. It was fun, and he is psyched for tomorrow when school REALLY starts. Mom will be there to see him off, camera in hand. :-)

The rest of the week will go fast. Noah starts school tomorrow. My classes start on Thursday (I'm only taking two this semester, because labor and finals do not mix well). I'll be gone at the Mall of America Scrapfest show this weekend, working at the Autumn Leaves booth. It will be fun to see Leslie and Tracy and everyone. Here are a couple of the layouts I did to hang in the booth. My weekend will be busy ... Bob's will be even busier. Hee hee!