Where did it go??? We have been crazy busy. First, I worked at the Mall of America for a scrapbook show in mid-September. Then I went to Las Vegas for Memory Trends last week. I actually flew out of SoDak because I drove the kids over to Grandma & Grandpa's house. Well, Griffin and Quinn went for a visit. Poor Noah had school and had to stay home with Dad. He did get to go to class when Bob taught on Wednesday night, so that part was pretty fun.
The trip to Vegas was awesome from a "get to visit with friends" standpoint. Jenn Bertsch, Leslie Lightfoot, Becky Novacek, Kelli Crowe, Tracy Kyle ... what a cool bunch of girls. The show itself was teeny tiny and very slow. I worked in the Autumn Leaves booth, like I usually do, and also walked around with my "Scrapbooks Etc." hat on for a bit to make a list of favorite products. There was some cool stuff there, even though the show was so small.
Flying home on Thursday was horrid. I called Bob from the airport as I went through security, and he said they were heading to the basement because of tornado warnings. Yikes. My flight was delayed but we eventually got into the Cities. It was a bumpy bumpy ride. You know it was a rough flight when a huge plane is bouncing around. Everyone clapped when the pilot finally got us on the ground. The bad news is that I flew into the concourse furthest away from where I needed to be to catch my connection to SoDak ... and I had less than 20 minutes to get to my boarding area. I ran. Literally. Kicked off my heels (I was still dressed for working the show) and RAN. I am seriously out of shape. And when I got there ... the pilot was standing at the gate desk and said we didn't have a gate agent. And that the flight was delayed (despite the fact it showed as "on time" on the displays). ARGH. So we waited and waited, and finally left the Cities about 40 minutes late or so.
As I was trying to get to SoDak, Ray and Laura G. were trying to get to our house in MN. They were delayed as well, and finally got into the airport late. They rented a car and made it to our house around 2 am. I made it to my parent's around midnight. And of course, I had to kiss G and wake up Quinners to cuddle her. They were in the bedroom across the hall from my parents (both in the same room). Since I am not the quietest person, I figured my parents heard me come in. Especially since I tripped over a pair of shoes in front of the door and nearly wiped out. But I guess not, because after I went to bed (about an hour later!), Mom got up and was worried. She even tried to call my cell ... before realizing I was already in the house. Why didn't they sleep like that when I was in high school? ;-)
Friday morning, the kids and I drove back to MN. We hung out with Ray and Laura, and then went to Valley Fair on Saturday. If you don't personally know Noah, this story will not seem impressive. But if you do, you better make sure you are sitting down. He went on the Power Tower. It's like a 275 foot drop. We went together, and he was braver than me ... I got to the top and started freaking out, especially because they held us up there for a bit. Noah was looking around and enjoying the view. Of course, I enjoyed the drop down to the bottom, and he didn't like that part so much. But can you believe it? The Power Towers? My 6 year old? WOW!!
Griffin didn't like the rides at first, but he eventually started to get into it. We let the kids pick their favorite to ride again one more time before we left. Noah picked the Tilt-A-Whirl. G picked "the cows." Which in G-ese means the merry go round. :-)
So that was the not-so-short synopsis of what we have been doing. Bob is still teaching his class. I am going in for an interview to teach a class at a local business school - not sure what will happen with that, but I can't refuse an adventure. :-) The kids are good and fun and all that wonderful stuff. :-) Here are a few pictures.

Super cute butterfly jammies from Old Navy (and supercute little Quinners). She's teething. She's had the 2 bottom teeth forever, but now the top 4 teeth are coming.

G, in the pink sunglasses he found outside (they belong to the neighbor girl). Goofball.