Monday, May 18, 2009

My Max is a Sleestack.

I loved "Land of the Lost" as a kid. I think I might have even rolled my preteen self out of bed to watch it on Saturday mornings (you know, when we only had 3 channels and cartoons were a BIG DEAL.)

But I didn't know I'd give birth to a sleestack. If you don't know what a sleestack is, educate yourself here.

Caveat: Ignore the funky camera work. Maddox was on my lap, and I was trying to video him with the Flip ... with limited success. The hubs pointed out that my computer has a camera - one that would have been pointed directly at us, as we were sitting in front of it. Doh.


cheryl said...

NO! Max is adorable. Sleestacks are SCARY. I was number 5 out of 6 with three big brothers. Every time my parents left us home alone, my brothers would be sleestacks in the pitch black, huge, dark, scary, dark, room in the basement. They made me and my next closest (in age) brother walk around while they hid against the wall...the stuff nightmares are made of!

Laura said...

Awww! He is adorable! No comment on the sleestacks, as I just missed out on them, but Ray is scared of them, too.

Ray was just saying this morning (as Eamon was running his own private marathons) that we need to come up and visit and see what we're in for in the next month! Video is a nice substitute, so thanks for that!